June 18, 204. Thanks to the diligence of our engineer and architect, Jesus Torres Rubio, Progecon Ingenieria, a fair price for bringing electrical and water into the land was confirmed. Through the hard work and loyalty of the GDS supporters who believe in the importance of building a Center, the funds were raised! The funds have been paid and the next step is installation. The next HUGE steps will be the raising the funds for the kennels and building but with all of you behind us, we know we will accomplish what the rescued galgos and podencos deserve. We will be a legally approved sanctuary and education center with all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed. The price for preparing the site and building 100 kennels with facility to expand to 300 and a small facility with a vet’s room is 300,000 euros. We will be sending out an email soon with a breakdown of the budget and naming opportunities. We have to do this for the hounds and the viability of Galgos del Sol.