In addition to our SPONSOR A HOUND initiative, please consider one of the options below. We welcome Facebook opportunities such as birthday fundraisers that waive Paypal donation fees. Everything helps and the hounds are so grateful!
Amazon Wishlist — This is the Spanish Amazon site so items will be shipped directly to GDS without an issue. Don’t be put off by the Spanish language. Many browsers (Google, Google Chrome, Safari) auto translate the Spanish to English so placing an order is easy! Sign into your own Amazon account to order. The shipping address comes up automatically.
JustGiving GDS has joined the UK platform so please consider helping us by planning a fundraiser or making a donation through JustGiving.
GDS Centre Naming Opportunities. We have several naming options available to help with our funding. Please consider commemorating or memorializing a loved one by donating a named kennel, bench, plaque among other options on our Naming Opportunities page. Please email galgosdelsolusa@gmail.com with questions.
Easyfundraising® is the UK’s biggest charity shopping site. Turn your everyday online shopping into FREE donations for GDS. It’s simple and free to use! Click here to be direct to the GDS page!
AmazonSmileUK and AmazonSmileUSA. In the US and now the UK, sign up and designate GDS as the charity to which 5% of your purchases will be donated.
iGive.com is a USA network of members, charitable causes, online merchants and websites brought together to enable online shoppers to support their favorite charitable cause through online searches and shopping.
Go to www.iGive.com
Select your cause. Enter Galgos del Sol USA in the name search. Select Galgos del Sol USA as your cause.
Shop or Search the web and “earn” money for Galgos del Sol.
Teaming For those who live in the EU, how can you make a big difference to the hounds this time of the year now that your pockets might be more empty than usual? Teaming is a way to watch how your 1 euro donation each month adds up when you work alongside others doing the same thing. So far we have 117 TEAMERS and are looking to reach 200, thats 200 people for just 1 euro per month making a big difference. Join us here!
Thank you to our advertisers Arc Electric. Positive Energy, Positive Solutions!
CHAINS for a Chance is a collaboration with the Spanish-based jewelry company Aleyole Jewelry. A special collection has been created to spread awareness of the plight of galgos and benefit GDS with 10% of sales.
Save the Galgo Clothing Collection — The premier Swedish children's clothing company Mini Rodini is promoting Galgos del Sol and bringing awareness to the plight of the galgo with a special design collection "Save the Galgo". 20% of the sales will benefit GDS.
Needles4Noses is a legal not-for-profit organization formed for the charitable purpose of aiding sighthound rescues in the USA and Europe who are in need of funds to support with rescue, re-homing, rehabilitation, shelter, vet bills, and food for such sighthounds. We are registered with the State of New York and are exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)3. Therefore, any "purchases" here are tax deductible in the USA. Through our "needling" talents, we hope to raise much funding. Hence the name Needles4Noses. All proceeds (after materials) will go to sighthound charities including Galgos del Sol.