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Triscuit seeking comfort from Clara.

Clara and Triscuit evaluating the trap.

Clara and Triscuit evaluating the trap.


Date of birth: 10/10/17
Date of rescue: December 2020
Gender: Male

UPDATE: Formerly a shy boy, Triscuit has grown in confidence. He’s out on walks and doing really well.

Triscuit was spotted on the streets with veteran galga Clara who had been living rough for years. Galgos are extremely suspicious of the trap and it is very difficult to get two to enter at the same time. We can’t close the trap in front of the dog on the outside as once they witness the door shut, they will never enter. After several nights and lots of patience, Triscuit and his companion Clara was finally trapped. Initially very shy, within days they were out on the walking program. Please contact us for information.

Yes, I want to sponsor or adopt Triscuit!