Sergi and volunteer Lauren.
Sergi with his roommate Joey.
Gaining weight!
Day of rescue
Date of birth: 12/12/15
Gender: Male
Date of rescue: August 2019
After treatment, Sergi is a new man. Lots of waggy tails and putting on weight, his coat and skin is improving greatly. This sweet boy is making it! Sergi is a lovely happy playful boy loves his kennel mates as much as he loves cuddles and people!
Welly reports “Sergi is such a sweet natured boy. If he were a human I think he’d like to sit on his arm chair with a pipe and slippers! But he has his playful and naughty side too. His previous kennel mate Portugal was getting some extra food as he needed to put on a little weight. The first time I took in the bowl for Portugal, before I could react, cheeky Sergi had jumped up and grabbed a mouthful! I wasn’t expecting that from the usually mild mannered chap! In the yard he loves attention and cuddles. And his coat is so sleek and glossy you can’t help but want to stroke him. You can’t even see the spot where he had to have a wound stitched up, it’s healed so well. And he loves a play with a ball if you throw it for him. He’s a lovely, happy and steady boy, takes it all in his stride. A real gem!”
Rescued from the streets in dire condition, Sergi has it all against him with leishmania, erlichia and anaplasma. The good news is his organs are ok and his treatments have been successful. He was rescued just in time — at least he’s got a chance of recovery. Contact us for more information.
Yes, I want to sponsor or adopt Sergi!