
Richie and his former roommate Mittens. He was quite the Romeo and couldn't kiss and cuddle with her enough!



Date of birth: 02/09/16
Gender: Male

Richie was rescued by GDS a long while ago and had been happily re-homed with a small dog where they did everything together; they were totally in love. They went mountain climbing, on holidays and it was a good life. Circumstances changed temporarily and Richie went to live with a family member who had Mastins whilst his adopter was away for work. Richie's personality changed, and it was discovered that under a different influence, he was not to be trusted around small dogs. This has been a heartbreaking decision and without going into upsetting details, we've decided it's best to bring Richie back to GDS where he can calm down and not be in a position to fail further. All parties are in agreement that Richie needs to comes back despite how difficult it is for his adopter.

On a side note Tina's Guapo was cat friendly until other dogs came into the equation. Group dynamics change everything and management is crucial. Richie will always have to be muzzled around small dogs but a home with one other medium to big dog would be perfect for him. He does not thrive in situations where he's allowed to get too excited around other dogs, so dog parks are not for him either. Just a calm settled home with one other dog would be great for this guy. It's been a sad decision all around and we really feel for everyone involved.

Yes, I am interested in adopting or sponsoring Richie!