Abandoned and hiding in orange groves.
Date of birth: 02/01/2018
Date of rescue: October 2020
Gender: Male
GDS spent hours searching for this wandering boy looking under every orange tree in the groves. Rambler was abandoned around three days before we were able to trap him. We searched the village where he had been spotted and all surrounding campos until we finally found him. Not so scared that he would run off, Rambler was just worried enough not to let us get too close. The trap was brought out, he entered and is doing great at GDS. Rambler is a silly sausage. He’s so sweet and loves people but does have moments where he think he should be scared and backs away. He does not like to be in small spaces like crates and he isn’t keen at the moment on being inside so he’s brought his blanket out and sleeps in a little ball by the kennel gate under the stars. At just two years old, Rambler needs a home. At the moment he wouldn’t be ready to travel abroad. A local home would be best. How about yours? Please contact us for information.
Yes, I want to sponsor or adopt Rambler!