Date of birth: TBD
Gender: Male
Date of arrival to GDS: June 2020

We feel quite sad writing this as the dream hasn’t really come true for Pluto and Capitan. The plan was they would live in the reception area and work with us in place of our beloved Hero. After driving seven hours to pick them up, we were told they couldn’t be together as they had started fighting. Previously we were told they had been together along time. Obviously we were now concerned but didn’t want to leave one behind so returned to GDS with both. On following up with the rescue where they had been living, we were told it’s just been recently they can’t be together as Capitan is in pain. Sure enough they can’t be together so Pluto here has been separated and is now in a kennel with Kissy. He’s doing well but it’s still a kennel, not what we wanted for an old boy. Capitan has some health issues we want to work through so he can’t leave so now we would like to get Pluto out the kennel and into a home whilst we focus on Capitan. He’s such a lovely boy, we can’t see him in a kennel till the end of his years, that was not the plan. He’s 11 years old, walks well on a lead, going blind so doesn’t like quick movements near him and as well as loving some exercise he’s good to chill out also. Can you offer him a home? 

Yes, I want to sponsor or adopt Pluto!