All healed and raring to go!

Look who’s healing and out on leads!

A week after rescue, their skin is healing and their eyes are brighter.



Date of birth: 22/03/15
Gender: Female

How this poor girl has suffered — isn’t it appalling? We have no idea how long they had been surviving in this state. Both Pancake and Waffles have extreme mange and disease and were living in a disgusting rubbish heap when we got the call. One was struggling to walk and the other not far behind in terms of giving up. We called on Michel Rescue Dogs to go and find the dogs as they were hours from us in Valencia. The situation was so urgent that he took the day off work to help us, and of course, to help them. We had every faith that he and his team Pedro and Jenero could carry this rescue out successfully which they did. It was hard to see what breed of dog Waffles and Pancake are as they hardly had any skin or fur left. Both dogs are out of quarantine, in the kennels and growing fur! We hoped to bring them back to their health and glory like we did with Buggles and Snuggles. We did! They are sweet, goofy and very affectionate.

Yes, I want to sponsor or adopt Pancake!