Olivia new_1.jpg
Newly arrived to GDS.

Newly arrived to GDS.

First introduction to Tina.


Date of birth: 11/04/17
Date of rescue: September 2020
Gender: Female

UPDATE: Olivia remains a very scared soul and she’s just a young girl. She’s  looking for a home but it needs to be a very special home. Her adopters must know they can't take risks with her safety, she must always be on a three point harness and martingale collar. Olivia can never be allowed off-lead in an unfenced area. Even to start with, if the adopter has a fenced garden, she must stay on a lead as she will be ready to bolt at any moment. Even if escape isn’t possible, she shouldn’t be pressured to return. Pressuring a scared dog will have negative consequences. The goal for Olivia is to learn where her safe place is so that she will return to the house without being cornered or forced. Whilst this all sounds very scary she will absolutely come around if given time and space to do so on her own terms. Other confident dogs in the home would certainly be a huge benefit. So worthwhile, Olivia is going to be wonderful but the adopter’s approach must be done correctly and consistently in the beginning to bring out the very best in her. We also advise a tracker on a scared soul like her. Please contact us for more information.

Olivia arrived from the Rescue Group for Spanish Animals. She is a scared girl who needs extra work, so they asked us for help. Covered in scars, it is almost as though she had been used as an ashtray. What these dogs endure is beyond our worst nightmares.

Yes, I want to sponsor or adopt Olivia!