Date of birth: 11/11/16
Date of rescue: May 2020
Gender: Female
A sad and confusing rescue, we didn't know which way to turn. This galga showed up and started living on Eduardo's finca a few days ago. When we first went to find her we noticed she had milk and we didn’t want to take her without her babies. GDS friend Eduardo confirmed there wasn't any with her. We left her with food and decided not to take her there and then in the hope she would lead us somewhere or go back to them but nothing. She stayed close to the finca even the next day and had no interest in going anywhere. Eduardo who is a vet recomended we didn't leave it too long as her milk was looking hard and she was at risk of mastitis. If she had been abandoned and not been able to ween her pups this can be very painful and dangerous. We had to make a decision — she was scared and it would be easy to lose her. We decided we would take her and get her the medication for the milk flow. We searched the finca high and low, it was heart breaking to have no idea what happened to her litter. She was found in the middle of nowhere and was not microchipped so we couldn’t contact an owner. Decisions like this are so difficult. Please contact us for more information.
Yes, I want to sponsor or adopt Nieves!