Maxx and roommate Lechuga.
Maxx with roommate Lechuga.
Maxx on the streets.
Date of birth: 12/10/18
Date of rescue: December 2019
Gender: Female
What a nightmare Maxx’s rescue was. When Troy and Geraldine were missing we got a call that someone had seen Troy but it was, in fact, this girl. We’d been trying to catch her for over a month but she would not go into the trap. She had been hanging out and dining with a colony of cats who are fed very handsomely by the locals. Finally GDS volunteers Maxine and Kim stayed out for three days solid, cooked up tons of tasty food and hung the food from stockings using the same techniques we employed for Troy and Geraldine. It worked! A very shy nervous girl, Maxx will need an experienced home. Isn’t she lovely with the floppy ears? Maxx has a chronic eye lesión and we are hoping medication will help.
Yes, I want to sponsor or adopt Maxx!