Trinity and Mati — both tripods and both doing brilliantly!
Recovering at the Solera’s home post surgery.
Up and about at the Solera’s.
At veterinary hospital following amputation.
When rescued.
Date of birth: 15/03/18
Date of rescue: July 2019
Gender: Female
Since her amputation, Mati is doing super! She’s a teen and full of energy and curiosity. What a social butterfly she has turned out to be!
We believe Mati was caught in a snare trap with her foot had gone and other signs of injuries up the leg. GDS friend Mati spent the whole day looking for her after she was spotted yesterday. We named Mati the galga after her savior Mati. Unfortunately the leg was too far damaged to be saved.
Yes, I am interesting in sponsoring or adopting Mati!