Date of birth: tbd
Gender: Female
Luna on the loose is now Lucky Luna! What a turn of events for this galga who had been living rough for awhile. Once we caught her and found out that she was chipped, the authorities contacted the owner and he wanted her returned. We spoke for hours to the owner and asked that she be allowed to come to us to be adopted to Abraham's family who had been feeding her for many months on the streets. The owner was undeterred and wanted her back after a hard fight. It was a sad night for all involved to see her go. The Abraham family was crushed as they had been supporting Luna on the streets and basically kept her alive. By a miracle, a few hours later, Luna’s owner had a change of heart and saw how loved she would be and allowed her to be adopted by the Abrahams. We took care of her essentials at the vet before she joined her new family. Many thought the worst but sometimes you have to have a little faith... We are so happy! P.S the little white dog is Luna’s new brother :)