Bath and skin treatment.

In the trap.

Lobita with Freddy in the trap.


Date of birth: 08/09/2019
Gender: Female
Date of rescue: February 2021

We will never know how or why Lobita and her two companions, Freddy and Teddy, were found in such lamentable condition. We don’t know if they were escapees or abandoned but what we can say is that the condition we found them in was beyond shocking. Clearly they had been living on their own for quite awhile and are survivors of cruelty, whether intentional or indirect.

Lobita was rescued with a massive gash circling her neck that was oozing and fetid. Within the wound was an embedded rope where the fur was torn from the skin. The pain this girl suffered is unimaginable. These dogs were not invisible but apparently to the people that saw them regularly and made no effort to help, they were. Once under our vets care, we were happy to hear that there was no necrosis and the skin was pink and healthy. Due to the severity of the wound, she was required to stay at the hospital for several days. Lobita’s physical wounds will heal but her psychological ones will take much longer. The poor magnificent girl is terrified. Please contact us for more information.

Yes, I want to sponsor or adopt Lobita!