2018 Christmas Advent Calendar. “Lady was abandoned twice, a victim of falling into the wrong uncaring hands. She’s a really smart pretty girl that adores people and other dogs. She was sick on the streets with disease but she’s recovered well with treatment and looks amazing now. We would love lady to find a local home here in Spain. Will you share ??”
Date of birth: 10/11/11
Gender: Female
The story of Lady. Lady lived on the streets with Simon but it wasn’t always that way as her home had been on the same street where she was living. She now watched her family and their new dog from the outside. On the streets, she got pregnant and all her babies were taken away. When we tried to catch Simon we were told about the situation but decided to speak to the family after we had Simon safe. We knew it was likely Lady would also go in the trap. After catching them both we went to the house where she used to live inside and asked the owners what was happening. They had plans to take her to the dog pound so we said we will take her instead. On that note, the little girl of the family burst into tears. This was a significant moment… a moment this girl, we bet, will never forget. She’s being educated so inappropriately by the previous generation. We realize more than ever why our education programme is so important. Her tears really upset us, such an injustice not just for Lady but for the little girl who has no control but knew this was wrong. Let’s hope she grows up to be an animal warrior. We assured her that we would keep her dog safe.
Lady is an amazing girl and ready for her forever home.
Yes, I am interesting in sponsoring or adopting Lady!