Lad and his two bros



Date of birth: TBD
Gender: Male

Lad is one of five pups saved with mum Lottie from a horrendous situation that went on for far too long.

GDS fought for six months for the release of this mum and her pups. Last year we picked up dead dogs from their hell hole and denounced the owner along with the support of other locals. Sadly it was too late for the dogs that had died and we waited for news on what could be done. Lotte remained chained day after day desperate for help. Not only did she watch her babies get run over as they wandered into the road, the owner didn’t even take away the dead bodies, that was left to us. How stressful for her. During summer she didn’t even have shade. We kicked off so badly that one of the workers on the site built something out of pallets. She wouldn’t have made it through the summer alive otherwise. When we saw more puppies show up recently we cranked up the pressure with the guardia and spent hours on the case. These dogs are left eating their own feces and are being eaten alive by ticks like we’ve never seen before. Lotte has mange and sores all over her body from ticks. The only way they got some food was because locals were feeding them from the road. People have been suffering for this situation for many months, it’s been hard to solve but NO way were we walking away. WE ARE PLEASED TO SAY WE GOT THIS HELL FOR ANIMALS CLOSED. The guardia finally came with us, called the owner and agreed this was not acceptable not even close. Not surprisingly all were sick and anemic. They are being treated and are thriving. Lotte, despite all she has endured, is a lovely affectionate girl and the pups are adorable! 

Yes, I am interesting in sponsoring or adopting Lad!