Date of birth: 04/01/19
Gender: Male
Date of rescue: February 2020
Hadley is a gorgeous podenco with golden eyes and massive ears. Incredibly sweet, silly and sociable, he is deaf as often is the case with white dogs. Adopters of deaf dogs tell us that they teach their dogs sign language and smarty-pants podencos have no issues learning and love new challenges. Hadley had been living on the streets and was caught in a trap with the lure of food. We were surprised that he didn’t scare with the clanging of the door closing but realized that he didn’t hear it. Recent volunteers have nothing but praise for Hadley. He has high energy and can get frustrated when confined so he will need a good place to run, lots of brain games and adventure. A happy Hadley is a tired and settled Hadley. Please contact us for more information.