At the vets.
On the streets.
Date of birth: 05/02/14
Gender: Female
Date of rescue: March 2020
Fluffpot is a podenco/sheepdog cross who was rescued on the same day that GDS was trying to catch a galga who had a trap attached to her belly. A complete mess and covered in her own feces and oil, Fluffpot was happy to be saved. It seems she had been poisoned but has recovered well. She is at a fosters and loving the special attention. Her foster says Fluffpot adores being brushed and hates getting wet or dirty. She has the most beautiful nature and just loves being with people and getting cuddles. Not very active, Fluffpot will make a wonderful companion for some lucky person. Plus as a pod/sheep dog cross, she is a smarty-pants! Please contact us for more information to come.
Yes, I want to sponsor or adopt Fluffpot!