Date of birth: 10/10/13
Gender: Male
Ferb (Febrero) is available for adoption through Fast Friends Greyhound Adoption in New Hampshire. For information, please contact Sharron Thomas.
From foster mum Wendy: Update on Febrero! He arrived a week ago yesterday — what can I say except that this boy is amazing! He has experienced so many new things in that week and taken it all in stride! He is smart, calm, sweet, and playful. He has done fantastic with my dogs — he shadows Chica (another GDS galgo) and she is teaching him the ropes! He is learning the joys of dog beds and furniture. He's a good eater once he figured out at my house you cannot graze or someone else will eat your food! Yesterday I took him to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving. He does not love the car, but did alright on the short ride to her house. He was a little nervous at first, but he finally relaxed and let everyone pet him and felt comfortable enough to fall asleep. I also found out that he is cat safe! My aunt's cat came down to let him know who was in charge and he did not react at all! He had a couple of firsts today — went for his first walk in the neighborhood and did fantastic and he finally went upstairs! He has been such an easy dog — I have never had a dog come into the house with my 3 dogs (galgo, whippet and pug) and quite literally fit right in. They accepted him immediately and it's like he has always been here. I'm still looking forward to him trusting me enough to join me for a snuggle on the couch. Whoever adopts this boy will be getting an absolute gem!
Febrero was rescued on the momentous date of Feb 1st when hunting seasons ends for the year. He had two broken bones in one leg and a bone infection that is being treated. People had reported sightings but he was covering a huge territory so we had difficulty determining his routine. We took a chance and got him!