Date of birth: 22/08/18
Date of rescue: February 2020
Gender: Male

UPDATE: Brighton is three years old and feels it's time he left GDS for his forever home. He's a timid boy but does come around quickly. Even so, outside on the streets we insist on a 3-point harness at all times to keep him safe because he spooks at the slightest noise or unexpected event. Brighton loves to be with other dogs and when he is around others, you see his spirits and confidence lift significantly. He walks nicely on a lead and once he starts trusting you he does move forward fairly quickly. Brighton must not be let off in unfenced areas as when he gets frightened he will likely just bolt. If given the time and space to grow in his home, he will be a wonderful love bug. Can you offer Brighton a forever home?

Brighton was rescued from the streets of Córdoba and on the same transport to GDS as Cuddles. He’s started out a little unsure with us but comes around quickly. Very athletic, Brighton loves a run with his kennel mate and chasing balls. Isn’t he a handsome guy? Please contact us for more information.

Yes, I want to sponsor or adopt Brighton!