Date of birth: TBD
Gender: Female
Date of rescue: January 2020
UPDATE: Blossom was diagnosed with intussusception of the bowel (one part of the bowel has gone inside another part) and has undergone an emergency operation. Quite a large section of her intestines were removed. She is recovering very well and we are thrilled that she is thriving.
This tiny nugget was shivering under a bush when spotted by eagle eye Tina who is always on the lookout when out driving. Poor little mite is is skinny, doesn’t want to eat and seems to have pain. She is undergoing tests at the moment including an ECO. She will go on a drip also for a few days as she’s completely dehydrated and won’t drink. On the first scan there seemed to be too many layers on her intestines but a specialist needs to come and confirm if that’s the case an operation will be in order. Such a tiny soul let’s hope that’s not the case. More information to come.